API Server Documentation Endpoints

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Authorization Server

These APIs are used by users -providers and consumers to give and get authorized access to data using tokens, policy etc. These APIs requires valid token or client details for authentication.

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Catalogue Server

The Catalogue is DXs' (Data Exchange) dataset discovery portal and metadata store.For search and discovery, it allows users search through text and geo-based queries

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Onboarding Server

The Onboarding is DXs' (Data Exchange) metadata onboarding portal. It enables Providers of datasources to describe them with DX based annotations to make discovery and consumption of data both automatable and semantically describable.

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Resource Server

The Resource Server is DXs'(Data exchange) data store which allows publication, subscription and discovery of data. For search and discovery, it allows users to search through temporal, geo-based and attribute queries. For publication and subscription, it allows users to use AMQP streaming protocol over TLS. It enables Providers of datasources to publish data as per the DX(Data exchange) data descriptor. It enables Consumers of datasources to search and query for data using HTTPs APIs.

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File Server

The File Server is DX(Data Exchange) File store which allows upload, download and discovery of Files. For Upload it allows uploading Files with group id or resource item id, it also allow user to attach additional metadata fields to the uploaded file. For Discovery it allows temporal queries to search files data within time ranges, geo parameters. It also allows user to list file metadata using resource group id or resourfce item id.

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GIS Server

The GIS interface is a resource server which defines the interactions between the consumers interested in GIS data and the upstream GIS Servers. It allows data admins to publish gis related info as per the Data Exchange(DX) . It enables Consumers of datasources to search and query for data using HTTPs APIs.

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Data Ingestion server

The Data Ingestion Server is the DXs'(Data Exchange) "Firewall" which allows publication of data. It enables Providers and Delegate of datasources to publish data as per the DX(Data Exchange) data descriptor. For publication, it allows users to use HTTP protocol over TLS (HTTPs).